Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Pirate Explorer

It's extremely difficult to write a blog when there is nothing interesting happening.
Lulu is settling in. She got her sea legs immediately and did not seem sea sick or anything. But as soon as we started closing hatches and putting instruments on she would dash to the starboard front cabin, climb up on the bed and hide behind a large bag we have there. Then lying with her back against the front bulkhead, she would lie there the entire journey and once we had anchored I had to go tell her we had stopped now and she could come out. Then, with much trepidation she would creep up into the saloon and once she had established I was telling the truth she would relax. Usually jumping up onto her blanket on the saloon table. 

Our first over-night sail was planned and we were not sure how she would react. It was pretty bumpy and slammy and she hates that the most. The first night Andre was on watch, there were 20 plus knot winds and a rough sea. Next minute he feels something brush past his leg as he sat at the helm. Glancing down he notices Lulu heading up to the front. He nearly had heart failure. I think he was wondering how he could explain to me that my child had gone overboard when he was on watch. :) He picked her up and sat her next to him on the helm seat. He says she sat there watching for a good ten minutes. She then decided it looked far more interesting up front with the sea slamming through the trampoline and over the deck and tried to go up again.

I was shaken awake! "Your cat won't stay inside". I went up fetched her and took her to bed with me and we closed the saloon door. There she lay happily until it was my watch. Once Andre had gone to bed I took her and put her in with him and there she slept till the next watch change.

It's amazing as during the day she is still not keen to go on deck; only at sunrise and sunset and after dark. On a calm anchorage with minimum wind it's fine but when it's jumping and rolling we have to keep an eye on her.
Progress has been made! The first sign was when she started only going to her hiding place when we worked the windlass lifting or dropping anchor. As soon as we were underway, she comes out and lies either on my bed or under the saloon table or in the passage to our bed. 

Recently she doesn't even hide when we work the windlass, if something scares her and she disappears to her hiding place I just have to call her and she comes back out. Recently she even comes into the cockpit when we sailing and sits at Andre's feet peeping round the bulkhead to see where we going.

We finally decided time had come to take her ashore. She was relaxed enough and after five months of  walking just from niece bed to another, she has got fat! I had to make her harness a good two inches longer to get it to fit again.

 We dinghy-ed over to shore. I took her out of her carrier and all she wanted to do was get back in. When I picked it up and walked with it she followed. But after just a short way she looked for a shade patch and lay there gasping. I thought she was over heated and we headed back to the boat.

Today we found a small island with short stubby plants. Perfect to take her to. This time we went at 0700 before it was too hot!

On shore she was lifted out of her carrier and I removed her lead. She had great fun walking in the bushes sniffing everything. We walked the length and breadth of the island twice. Then she started panting and lying in the shade. I realized then it was not heat but the exertion of walking so 'far' after so long that had exhausted her. 

We decided to try something. So we walked over to the dinghy, called her and told her to get on! She did! She jumped up, sniffed everything, found her carrier and climbed in with a mew as if to say "come on its home time". 

Great success! 

What's stressing me is she has finally settled and in one month she will be flying off with us to Canada. We have to start all over again. I am sure she will just be settled there and we will be on our way back! The trials and tribulations of a Princess turned pirate!

She has made me proud. the first time at the dock with her aboard i had her in her harness and on a ead and she tried to jump off. We are now in a marina, besides smelling so much i thought she would wriggle her nose off she has not tried to leave the boat. just lies gazing out at the lights.

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